dr bouchghal mouad

Launch of the official promotional clip for the “Tameyyoz Initiative for a Safe Cyber ​​World” event

We are pleased to unveil the official trailer for the “Tameyyoz Initiative for a Safe Cyber ​​World” event, which reflects…

إعلان توقيع اتفاقية تعاون لتعزيز الوعي الرقمي والأمن السيبراني بين شركة رايد ميديا ​​تيك وشركتين رقميتين رائدتين

Announcement of signing a cooperation agreement to enhance digital awareness and cyber security between Ryd MediaTech and two leading digital companies

Gathering agreement : RYD MediaTech; DCO ASSOCIATION; Prod House Ryd MediaTech is pleased to announce the signing of a strategic…